Today it is my GREAT Privilege today to introduce you to one of the coolest people I have ever met... Her name is Lindsey, but for the rest of our time together, we'll just call her "Feel Healthy Girl!" Lindsey has always been athletic and health conscious, however it wasn't until after she married her long time Sweetie Justin and they began the journey toward parenthood that she really evolved into Feel Healthy Girl. So, I hope you've got your coffee or... well... maybe today we'll do some delicious tea (you'll find out why a little later), because we are about to have some Girl time! I am sipping on a delicious brew of fresh orange and ginger, which I sweetened with some delicious, locally harvested wildflower honey! ...and it is GOOD! So, go on - get your beverage and maybe snuggle up with a warm blanket and above all Please ENJOY!
ToG (Touch of Grace): Lindsey (aka - Feel Healthy Girl) and I had the
pleasure of meeting at her Wedding of all places, where I think she may
have danced with my husband more than her own! (KIDDING - well only, sort of!) My husband is a man of many talents, not the least of which is his ability to rip up a dance floor and well... he's been known to crash a dance floor or two - hehe! I wish I had a video of THAT moment! It was an
incredibly beautiful, spiritual, wonderful and ridiculously FUN day!
And just to clarify, I am NOT a wedding crasher! Her adorable hubby and
my cute "Red Beard" were friends long before I was in the picture, so we were, in fact, invited! All I can say is, what a Joy to meet such a
delightful woman and even though we live half a continent apart, I have
gotten to know her a bit better through the magical world of social
media. I am genuinely thrilled to introduce her to you today! Mrs.
Lindsey Gulliver, or should I say "Feel Healthy Girl," Thank you for
joining me and being willing to share with us some of the pearls you've
gained on this journey to Motherhood!
I'd like to get right to it
by simply asking you to share a little about HOW you came to be Feel
Healthy Girl? What was the catalyst that launched this journey for you?
FHG: Feel Healthy Girl was born in 2009 shortly after I got off "the pill."
Right around that time, I started working out with a personal trainer at
my gym. I really wanted to get into personal training as a profession,
so he said he'd mentor me - how nice .
Well, I went to my first session, and instead of hitting the
dumbbells, he nailed me with questions. He asked me all about my body
and hormones:
Are your periods regular? No.
Are you gassy? Yes.
Do you
experience bloating? Yes.
Do you breakout? Yes.
And the list went on
and on...
It was the first time that someone explained to me just how
much food matters, and everything else we put in and on our bodies for
that matter. I got hooked on researching about female hormones and
optimal health. I knew that I didn't want to focus solely on exercise,
rather a more holistic approach: what we feed our body, mind and soul.
So 9 months into my journey, I got pregnant. I miscarried. Then I gave
this all over to God. The next month, I got pregnant. Nine months later,
I had my precious Zeke. Three months later, I enrolled in the
Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Health Coach. Then I
found my calling. I want give away what God has given me.
ToG: WOW! That is incredible! Nine months is a pretty fast turn
around, I think. And I love what you said about turning it over to
God... we're totally gonna get to that toward the end. I really believe
the surrender part is incredibly significant and I think it shifts the
nature of the process. He is the One who does it... but, we get the
privilege of working with Him! So, let's hear about the work. What
was the purpose in asking about the specific symptoms you mentioned?
Regular Cycles? Bloating? Acne? Maybe just touch on those briefly... I
don't think I've ever had a trainer mention any of those.
FHG: My trainer wanted to get an understanding for how my body was
functioning: digestion and especially my hormones. It's interesting
that a male trainer knew so much about female hormones.
Regular period cycles are key! Too long means you may not be
ovulating - which was my issue. I had a 65-day cycle during that
time. (talk about frustrating for a girl trying to get preggo!) My
progesterone aka "the happy hormone" was super low and I felt
horrible! I learned that food had the power to change my body - yes the
food you eat can restore ovulation!
To address the other issues: In my
case, facial breakouts are linked to digestion and hormone imbalance. I've
significantly cut down on processes dairy and gluten which had helped
my digestive system tremendously. In addition, there are so many other
foods and natural remedies I've introduced to my diet. I share all of my
favorites on my FHG Facebook page:
ToG: You mentioned changing the length of your cycle with food. Were
long cycles "normal" for you, or something that had developed? What
specific changes did you make that you linked to changing that? For
instance, once you started eating food X, you noticed increased
regularity? Or was it more of a gradual process and overall shift? I
have normal cycles, but I also experience breakouts, which I DO think
are related to hormones. Do you recommend going Gluten Free? If so,
why? Do you recommend Dairy Free? You mentioned both of those... Have
you completely eliminated them?
FHG: The process was gradual and I attribute most of it to adopting a diet of
eating mostly whole foods as well as reducing stress. With that said,
there are definitely certain foods that are imperative to women's
health. One of the biggest ones - we need FAT - good fat! Think avocado,
coconut oil, eggs, butter, free-range chicken - I am a big fan if fat .
In general, we are a society that eats way too much sugar, processed
grains and pasteurized milk products. All three of those foods are
addicting as well and can lead to disease. Everyone's body is different,
so as a Health Coach - I have an individual approach to wellness. But
for me, my body doesn't tolerate processed dairy well at all. I get
super bloated and gassy if I consume too much; so I really limited
that. As for gluten: I've moved away from a highly processed diet so
I've naturally decreased my intake of wheat, flour and rye. I haven't
eliminated either completely, but significantly reduced. I'm not
perfect, but I feel so much better, so I really try to listen to my body
and stick to foods that truly nourish and fuel me.
ToG: Thank you for saying "yay" to fat! That has been a point of
contention for many, if not most, women for decades! The notion that
fat makes you fat has been debunked so many times, and yet I still hear
coaches saying it! Words matter and clarification is Everything! I'm
not even sure "bad fat" makes you fat... Maybe more like, makes you
sick! But, the science I have read consistently affirms the body's need
for fat! Its the essential substance needed to feed our brains and
hormones. You mentioned several of my favorites, and I'll add the one
that might be my absolute favorite, Salmon! Always Wild Caught, of
course, with no dyes or additives! I think it might be the perfect
food... Of course, that opinion is entirely personal. And, when you
mentioned eggs, I heard my Mother, who has been an RN for over 40
years. I think that's her "go to" food to recommend for women!
Apparently it's full of hormone feeding goodies! Also, I completely
understand about gluten. I was having a conversation with a friend
whose family IS gluten free because of multiple food allergies and I was
telling my friend a similar story about how Chris and I are not an
exclusively gluten free house, but the more changes we make toward
healthier eating the less gluten we are consuming also.
Well, I have a
few questions from readers about some specific foods, that I'd like to
hear your thoughts on. One issue that has come up a lot is coffee.
What are your thoughts on the effects off coffee consumption on women
trying to get pregnant? In your research and work as a Health Coach,
have you heard anything specific about coffee having any negative
FHG: Oh girl... you got me on this one! Coffee is my weakness... I just love
it. I love the ritual, the smell and the taste! I love making it at home
and sipping on it out and about. With all of that said, I am actually
in the process of reducing my intake. I'm averaging about one cup every
other day, which is a good start for me! Right now, I'm sipping on
Women's Rasberry Leaf tea. It's no secret that coffee can certainly
impact fertility. It can increase estrogen levels, which isn't a good
thing for hormone balance, as it can impact ovulation quality and
timing. If you are going to drink it, I would recommend limiting your
intake to a cup a day. The better choice is to eliminate it and
substitute with tea or teccino, a coffee alternative.
ToG: Why oh, WHY must you say such things about coffee and
fertility????????????????? I am so forlorn now over this... I am a
Daily coffee drinker!!! Usually about 2 cups a day, equaling somewhere
between 16-20 oz. I even drank coffee when I was pregnant with Asher!
I reduced to one cup a day or at least I tried to keep it less than 20
oz - sometimes I just needed a Grande something skinny or other from
the Bucks! I would love a link or reference point for the research on
this if you can share something for everyone. I know this is a BIG
issue for a lot of women - um - or should I say ME! GAH!!! Tea is
another mixed bag... (pun not actually intended, but since it's out
there, I'm just gonna roll with it!) Are there certain teas that are
better than others for women working toward pregnancy? For example: I
think most everyone has heard of the benefits of Green Tea - the
copious amounts of antioxidants and the positive influence on weight
management, but then Chai Tea has nearly eclipsed the Green Tea spot
light with it's spicy, comforting, kind of "un-tea like"
characteristics. Also, I've heard the caution regarding high levels of
caffeine in tea and also whispers of black teas being, well... black
listed. And then you referenced Women's Raspberry tea, which is new to
me. So, what's your bag??? And well... WHY? :)
FHG: I know girl... I love coffee as much as the next gal! And
for some aspiring mamas, coffee and caffeine may not be an issue. But
for women with low progesterone, PCOS or thyroid issues, coffee could be
hindering fertility. Getting pregnant is all about hormone synchronicity and if those guys
(gals) are not communicating optimally, there could be something that
needs tweaked on our end (hello diet, lifestyle and JESUS).
My all-time favorite fertility resource is: Read the section about coffee here: Caffeine increases estrogen
levels. A study from Fertility and Sterility shows that drinking just
two cups of coffee a day boosts levels of estradiol, a natural estrogen.
Women who drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day produce 70% more estrogen in
the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (when the body is trying to
produce a viable follicle for ovulation, which is already and issue in
women with PCOS.)
When it comes to tea, raspberry leaf is one (among others) that is
great for women trying to conceive. It's used by herbalists and midwives
for relieving menstrual discomfort and to tone and strengthen the
uterus. As far as other teas, right now my favorite thing is to steep a
slice of lemon and a few pieces of fresh ginger in hot water. I sip on
that during the day. It's cleansing, refreshing and alkalizing for the
![]() |
FHG Ginger Tea! |
ToG: To be honest, I was not completely aware of the extent of the
coffee effect! I am shocked and sad... I feel like I've been betrayed
by an old friend. Coffee and I have a deep affinity for one another...
we are... Oh, what am I saying? The best way to get over an old lover
is to get a new one, right??? Soooo, Tea it is! I'm gonna have to
start seeing a new beverage!!! This has been so informative. I do have
a few more reader questions I'd like you to address before we wrap
Some other points of concern that have been brought up are: eating
meat, effects of Tylenol, ibuprofen and other similar medications
(especially considering the wave of flu and corresponding intake of
those kinds of meds), and you've recommended some wonderful tea items (I
will be purchasing lemons tomorrow to steep with my fresh ginger!!!
That sounds amazing!), would you recommend any additional herbs or
vitamins. My doc recommends folic acid and has put me on a prenatal
with DHA, (which I need to remember to take). What are your thoughts?
FHG: I am personally a fan of meat if it's organic and even better
if you are getting it from a local farm. I frequently make whole
chickens in the crock pot, or roast them in the oven. Making fresh
chicken, beef or fish broth from the bones with is amazing too - the
vitamins and minerals that are found in animal products are
unparalleled. Oh, and I also eat the skin. WHAT??? Yep - it has loads of
good fats and good vitamins too. Have you ever wondered why we're
supposed to eat chicken soup when we are sick? Our grandma's homemade
broth was actually a health tonic (much different than boxed stock or
bullion cubes). Don't get me wrong, I don't always make my own stock,
but it's a great thing to do! You can use the broth for soups, cooking
rice, beans and more.
As a health coach, I'm a "drug less" practitioner,
meaning I leave the medications (even over the counter) up to clients to
discuss with their health care practitioner. My focus is on food, body,
mind and spirit.
I am a fan of herbs, supplements and natural healing,
but my recommendations vary from client to client. For instance, if a
woman's thyroid is low functioning, I would recommend consuming organic
coconut oil regularly, as it has been proven to support thyroid
function. In general, it's very important for all women to take a high
quality prenatal vitamin that includes folic acid and a DHA supplement
such as fish or cod liver oil on a regular basis. Even if we are super
diligent about eating clean, whole food diets, it's extremely hard to
get in all of the vital minerals and vitamins our bodies need to not
only support us, but potentially a little one as well ).
ToG: Wow! So helpful... Anyone else feel like you've just been schooled??? This has been great, Lindsey! Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to share with us...
For those of you, and I am sure there will be MANY, who would like a FREE consultation with Feel Healthy Girl, here is how you can reach her:
FHG offers 50 minute complimentary health consults
either in person or by phone. If you are interested, please visit and visit the connect tab to fill out the Health History form. I look forward to meeting you girls!
I wanna wrap this up by giving some advice given by an Amazing Mama at a wedding... And this sums up the bottom line for me. There was a wedding that was under way. It was no ordinary wedding. This was a Jewish Wedding! And if there's anything about Jewish people, it's that they know how to celebrate! Well, it's pretty likely it was a family wedding and this Mama was likely an aunt or some other relative and she had a son. And this was no ordinary Son... This young man, about 30 years old, was born with a promise of destiny, a destiny so great even his Mama could only really understand it's fullness in part. And the thing about this Jewish family wedding was that weddings were held at that time for seven days and for seven days the home of the family was to be open to guests and nothing could be more shameful than running out of food or drink for the guests! Well, day seven approached and lo and behold, they ran out of wine! Can you just imagine? I'm talking, this was serious!!! So "Aunt" Mary goes over and eyes her boy, summoning him to meet her in the kitchen! When He gets there, I'm sure she had one of those looks and with a raised brow, did not ask, but rather insisted - "You've gotta DO something!!!" I can see him looking back at her as only a son to a mother can: "Now... Woman! You know it's not my time yet!!" he protests and listen to what Mama said as she turned to the boys standing around with him. I'm sure she shrugged as you can imagine a Mother doing when she knows better... and she looks at the guys and says: "Whatever He tells you to do - DO IT!" Did you get that? There's something about a Mama that can make you do a thing even when it isn't quite the exact moment you planned to do it! I'm sure Jesus must have shaken His head a bit and possibly even raised His hands in acquiescence... looked at the men waiting for his instruction and sighed: "Oh, just go get those big 'ol water pitchers and bring 'em over here..." And, well you know the rest of the story! (John 2)
And as different as we all are: hormones, cycles, issues, etc... if you're not celebrating the way you should be... let me suggest to you to get close to His heart and well, whatever He says to you - Do IT! Don't get so hung up on the details that you inadvertently wig yourself right out of your answer. So, relax Mama's! Yes, I'm talking to YOU! I believe with every fiber of my being, if you have Motherhood in your heart - you have Children in your future... If you're needing wisdom, no worries! James 1:5 is the assurance of an unending supply of Heavenly wisdom! And if you aren't even sure what that is and you'd like to know... message me! I'd love to share the TOO good news that has literally changed my entire life!
Until next time, happy health and happy Mothering... Who knows? You might be closer than you think!
I wanna wrap this up by giving some advice given by an Amazing Mama at a wedding... And this sums up the bottom line for me. There was a wedding that was under way. It was no ordinary wedding. This was a Jewish Wedding! And if there's anything about Jewish people, it's that they know how to celebrate! Well, it's pretty likely it was a family wedding and this Mama was likely an aunt or some other relative and she had a son. And this was no ordinary Son... This young man, about 30 years old, was born with a promise of destiny, a destiny so great even his Mama could only really understand it's fullness in part. And the thing about this Jewish family wedding was that weddings were held at that time for seven days and for seven days the home of the family was to be open to guests and nothing could be more shameful than running out of food or drink for the guests! Well, day seven approached and lo and behold, they ran out of wine! Can you just imagine? I'm talking, this was serious!!! So "Aunt" Mary goes over and eyes her boy, summoning him to meet her in the kitchen! When He gets there, I'm sure she had one of those looks and with a raised brow, did not ask, but rather insisted - "You've gotta DO something!!!" I can see him looking back at her as only a son to a mother can: "Now... Woman! You know it's not my time yet!!" he protests and listen to what Mama said as she turned to the boys standing around with him. I'm sure she shrugged as you can imagine a Mother doing when she knows better... and she looks at the guys and says: "Whatever He tells you to do - DO IT!" Did you get that? There's something about a Mama that can make you do a thing even when it isn't quite the exact moment you planned to do it! I'm sure Jesus must have shaken His head a bit and possibly even raised His hands in acquiescence... looked at the men waiting for his instruction and sighed: "Oh, just go get those big 'ol water pitchers and bring 'em over here..." And, well you know the rest of the story! (John 2)
And as different as we all are: hormones, cycles, issues, etc... if you're not celebrating the way you should be... let me suggest to you to get close to His heart and well, whatever He says to you - Do IT! Don't get so hung up on the details that you inadvertently wig yourself right out of your answer. So, relax Mama's! Yes, I'm talking to YOU! I believe with every fiber of my being, if you have Motherhood in your heart - you have Children in your future... If you're needing wisdom, no worries! James 1:5 is the assurance of an unending supply of Heavenly wisdom! And if you aren't even sure what that is and you'd like to know... message me! I'd love to share the TOO good news that has literally changed my entire life!
Until next time, happy health and happy Mothering... Who knows? You might be closer than you think!
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