Monday, October 15, 2012

WORST friend EVER! I think I have to ditch this one...

Hi friends... If you're reading this.  I haven't ditched you! ;)  Aren't you thrilled???  Now, I am not in the habit of tossing friends aside... in fact, I've been known to hold on to a few I really should have let go... you know the kind.  However, my compulsive nature to keep, care for and fix things has afforded me a few too many acts in the High Drama zone!

This friend, though... has GOT to GO! 
I don't even know exactly "when" we first met, though I know we've been together since I was at least 5 years old.  That's the first age that I can distinctly remember her taunting me.  Oh, yeah... I should have known then, but how much should a 5 year old actually "know" about Insecurity???  Yep, that's her... WORST friend EVER!  Oh, how I wish we'd never been introduced... At 5 years old, she started in on me... I remember vividly sitting in the booth waiting to eat my yummy lunch from Roy Rogers.  Pretty sure we were having fried chicken and I remember back then Roy Rogers having the very best fried chicken.  We didn't go out to eat very much and so this was just too fun!  However, that mean girl was sitting right there on my bench with me and as I rested my little, perfectly formed legs on that comfy bench and then I heard it.  "Your legs are fat!  Look how they spread out when you sit down!!!" "Ugh - how ugly!"  Really?  I must have been no more than 45 pounds...  Who knows how much a five year old weighs?  I have seen the pictures - there was nothing even remotely "fat" about my legs or any other part of me... And yet that nasty girl started talking...

Anyone ever met her?  She's ridiculous... she started there and then took on the voices of my most trusted friends and family.  The thing is, many of them didn't even realize she was doing her ventriloquism trick on them and making them talk for her... and then some of them probably didn't even care, because she had shouted so cruelly in their own ears they were compelled to do something - Anything - to silence her... even if it meant echoing her sentiments to someone else to make them feel what they were feeling.  Oh, yeah - she's a beast!  She can make the nicest people turn cruel!

She takes on all kinds of personalities too... She can appear the most self sufficient, in charge, exceptional person on earth and minutes later appear on the brink of total disaster... She wears cute clothes, expensive clothes, big clothes, little clothes and sometimes she wears clothes you wish she wouldn't... She is loud and quiet, she is brazen and introspective... she is a mosaic of faces, characters, professions, personalities, etc... and she has ONE objective...  she wants to DESTROY the precious, unique gift that is You!  She wants to trap you in the tumultuous whirlwind of comparison, so you will completely LOSE yourself in the unwarranted idealization of others.  She wants to abolish your significance by plucking out your Vision eyes.  She wants to create a world of clones who will circuitously gnash at themselves and each other, all the while doing the work that she in her ambiguous and sinister form could never do outside of our help... You see why I have to let her go?  Yeah.

I want to share a video clip from one of the most exceptional women I know... Allow me to introduce to you the beautiful Kendall Little - Beautiful inside and out!  She radiates the confidence of a woman who knows who she IS.  Does that mean she doesn't struggle with this nasty "friend" Insecurity?  Well... I'll let her tell you in her own words...


  1. Really enjoyed this post and the video. It's true. It can be tough to read others posts and feel like wow I really don't have it together. This is why I post the good, bad, and ugly....because my life isn't perfect. I am a people pleaser, a comparer...have been for a long time. I find myself doing the comparing things with my kids..unintentionally...but doing it nonetheless. Needed this reminder. This encouragement. This reality check!

  2. So, this is only a couple of months late... Thanks so much for leaving a comment! Apparently, we are twins, as I am the exact same way.... :) Something I did recently was very eye opening... Search: Kris Vallotton, Prince/Pauper Test. It will take about 10 minutes to take this , but it is so helpful in revealing the root of some of our mindsets. It has been transformative for me, and I think you will find it the same for you! Thanks Again!!! And Merry Christmas! TeeHee...

  3. So, this is only a couple of months late... Thanks so much for leaving a comment! Apparently, we are twins, as I am the exact same way.... :) Something I did recently was very eye opening... Search: Kris Vallotton, Prince/Pauper Test. It will take about 10 minutes to take this , but it is so helpful in revealing the root of some of our mindsets. It has been transformative for me, and I think you will find it the same for you! Thanks Again!!! And Merry Christmas! TeeHee...
