Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Home - Happy Blog... IN Progress!

Ok... so, I have been given a challenge!  And you get to read alllllll about it! ;)  STOKED???
Yeah, me too!

I have been challenged to give my blog the attention I want my readers to give it... ahem, ready to read?  I am giggling a little that I have been challenged to "talk more," however... as much as I love it, I've got to make time for it too... Got anything like that in your world?  Hey, here's another one...

I went to cosmetology school over 20 years ago and have given countless makeovers - haircuts, facials, manicures, pedicures... and how often do I take the time to give MYSELF a pedicure - even though I LOVE a pedicure??? Yeah, committing to that one too!  Although, I have to tell ya - sandal season is quite a motivator!

Well... here I am picking up where I left off and I am going to offer you the same challenge!  What do you LOVE that you've put off because you haven't "found" the time?  May I encourage you to find the time?  I would love to hear what you've found time for this week and how it has made a difference in your joy level!

Now, last time we talked, I was preparing to make over my beautiful fruit and nut chairs, which I never showed you... well, here they are!

Aren't they SO PRETTY???  I took this when I posted last time, but just fixed the camera so that to would upload today!  See why I needed a challenge?  Anyhow, I just adore these elegant and comfy little chairs!  They are PERFECT for our "new" (107 yr old) house too!  So, as you can see, the fabric is in fine condition except for the fact that it looks a little "old" for my taste.  I am all about ageless and classic but these are teetering on the edge of stodgy for me!  Also, see the black marker on the one to the left... that's a one of a kind masterpiece drawn by our very own resident Picaso - who we lovingly call Asher!  If you'd like to see more of his work you can view it at our residence.  He has postings on the piano, one rather large masterpiece in the hall way and a few small works located on the door in his room... No charge to see them, but we'd be delighted if you'd show up with your Mr Clean Magic Eraser to help us make room for his future endeavors!

There's one fruit chair here and one nut chair and I am finding it rather hard to discern which one is which, but I assume the layers are on the nut and the smoother one is the fruit - though I'm not entirely sure what kind of fruit?  Anyone know?


Below you can sneak a peek at the fabric they will be donning soon...  How long you wanna give me?  Care to offer a challenge??? :)
You should see/touch it in person - SO lovely!  This room will offer "Shades of Grey!"  with some fun golden yellow accents thrown in for flare... I can't wait until we get to THAT project!
The secret joy of this fabric is that I picked it out online and thought of ways to work into our budget my $50.00 a yard choice... Only to get to the fabric store and find a remnant of the exact measurement I needed for $4.99 a yard - HELLO!!!  I can't wait to place these transformed beauties in their new showcase (aka - our Parlor)!

Well, friends posting is my first challenge down...and I should probably say goodbye for now as I need to tackle my next challenge: Dinner!  And... just incase curiosity should get the best of you... tonight, at the Morrison house we will be serving an Asian inspired salad made up of mixed greens and fresh spinach, mandarin oranges, watercress, light onion, almonds, chinese crunchy wanton noodles and teriyaki pork tenderloin dressed in our very own ginger vinaigrette!  Anyone care to join? This will be followed by a family bike ride around our little mountain town... Oh, yes, we're on another mission as well... Can you guess?

So long for now and thanks so much for stopping in!  See you SOON!!! :)

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