Well, this is not our sky... but this IS kind of what it looks like at the moment here in Front Royal, VA! We're waiting for Sandy's full arrival and praying that we retain power while she blows... Isn't that a provoking thought? Keeping the power on while the storm rages... Power outages are not necessarily inevitable, it just depends on how directly you're connected to the source!
The last storm we experienced here in our few short months of living in our new homestead was one I'd never heard of or experienced before called a Derecho... We lost power for about 2 minutes and then we were back on again. I later learned that because we live "in town" our "risk" of power outage is minimal compared to those living outside because the town has it's own "source!" You can see where I'm going here... We all have circumstances that, like natural storms, tear through our lives and toss us off balance, uproot things that we once thought were trees and established realities for us... However, it is still possible to remain powerful as they blow through... We are not required to loose our strength in the middle of the storm, it just depends on how closely we're connected to the Source! Joshua 1:9 gives a beautiful picture of a right perspective when life's panoramic shifts. Joshua was a young leader about to take an entire nation into a new land they would need to conquer... He was facilitating a monumental and historic shift for millions of people... Can you even begin to imagine the pressure that must have threatened to undo him? And yet, this was the COMMAND of God to him for that season... I believe it is the SAME command He is giving us in this moment: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
I know that God is with us! He is for us! He is for YOU!!! Let me encourage you to trust Him! Trust His Word and His plan for YOU! It is for GOOD and NOT for evil - to give you a future and a HOPE! (Jeremiah 29:11) We can TRUST His character!!!
I don't know what you plan to do during this storm, but I plan to take full advantage of the fact that my husband is home and get some H.I. (Home Improvement) projects completed... We've got a chandelier to move, and armoirre to assemble, a mantle to mount, a tv to hang... and on and on... and as long as we have electricity to charge the drill... we're gonna be moving! And... if the electricity does decide to take a break, we've got candles and books and other things to entertain us... How about you? What kinds of things do you plan to do as we weather the storm? Storms are a great opportunity to work on the inside! And yes... there's a deeper meaning there to! Happy Storming Ya'll! I pray you are safe and sound and that you also are able to get a lot accomplished on the inside...
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