I'm wondering if there's anyone else out there, like me who gleans their "news" from nearly everywhere besides actually watching "The News?" Confession time: Chris and I had our cable tv shut off many months ago and I have to tell you... it is not often that I miss it, if ever! I truly enjoy our quiet moments in our home and I absolutely, without question do NOT miss the bad, shocking, terrifying, alarming, misrepresented, opinionated and otherwise twisted streams of "news" that used to stream through that big screen on our wall!
Yes, I hear and read and am aware of what's going on in the world today. I don't live in the woods. I live in America. I have a computer. I have Facebook (lol)... I hear it! However, I don't want to meditate on it, ruminate over it or allow it to become my obsession. I have an opinion that much of what is pumped through those streaming 24 hour news stations is nothing more than a calculated method of keeping people in a state of chaos, whereby their lives are controlled by whatever happens to be the current headline and forgive me if I just want to enjoy my moments and live in my present without ignorance, but without an unhealthy obsession with things out of my hands. Anyone else with me?
Anyhow, one of the side benefits of our exodus from mass media has been a renewed focus on the important things in our lives that I am too often distracted from. I'm beginning to notice things like bees and butterflies sitting on my late Summer blooms. I'm feeling the crispness of the air as it streams through my open windows and I'm hearing the familiar sounds that the trees make this time of year... I hear crickets, the rhythmic crescendo and decrescendo of the cicadas or whatever bug that is making it's steady calls. I hear mowers cutting grass... I hear life. And, I like it.
I want to reacquaint myself with these familiar sights and sounds and smells and reengage with what seems to have become a distant memory since my world turned digital. I want to introduce my children to them. I've found myself turning off the videos lately and pulling out the art easel, for Asher. Yesterday, we went outside in the beautiful weather and pulled weeds, which surprisingly was like a Christmas gift to my newly turned four year old boy! He was a dream all day after that experience. Who knew? Pulling Weeds?
And even more importantly, I want to establish new habits and patterns as Asher is getting older and I feel the increasing responsibility to nurture his learning and establish a more concrete routine to foster that. Especially considering our Winter promise. No, not just snow, or Christmas, or skiing... but this wonderful Winter we will be welcoming a tiny new Morrison into our world and I want it to be a warm welcome, rather than a swarm of chaos where he or she would have to struggle to find a place. I want more for me. More for Chris and I. More for Asher and more for our new Blessing. I want to live in such a way that I am always discovering new and sweet reminders of good...
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."
James 1:17 (NKJV)
Touch of Grace
An eclectic, elegant, hopeful, reasonably articulate, modern day symposium of sorts... though your choice of beverage is entirely optional, the content will be a celebratory and also thoughtful discussion of my loves: Jesus, Chris, Asher, Home, Worship, Decorating, Cooking, Gardening... Okay, so there will be a few other lovelies popping their heads in too- you just never know what may show up! So, grab your glass, mug, decanter, get comfy and please enjoy! Thanks for Coming!!!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Is Summer making you tired?
So, apparently, there is a "heat bubble" hovering over the US right now and most of us are experiencing some pretty steamy temps... Im no meteorologist, but I do know that about a week ago my thermometer was reading at least 10 to 20 degrees cooler!
I don't know if you're like me, but when the heat hits, my energy gets sucked into some sort of alien vacuum vortex and tends to stay there until the first crisp winds of Fall begin to blow and invigorate me again. I love Fall and all things Fall like and in the Summer I either want to be hidden away by the air conditioner or immersed in the refreshing tides of the ocean! A pool will do, but the ocean is preferred!
You know, seasons of life tend to mimic the seasons of the earth. There are Spring seasons when things are new and fresh and growing and we find ourselves thriving in the process of it all... Like when we met the one we knew we would marry or when we first held our new baby or when we finally tossed the rental agreement and traded it for our very first "real" home... And then Spring always turns to Summer with details of life heating up... Like when we realize that whole becoming One thing actually requires decision and effort and forgiveness, or when that precious infant face begins to express its own will and personality that shockingly clashes with our own at times, or when we begin to discover that there is more to home ownership than they tell you on HGTV! And to be honest... The Summer heat makes me tired.
And yet, I found myself today, finally taking a breather away from the pressure of it all to sit down with my Father. No, not the one with the California address... My heavenly one. I picked up the love letter He left for me and began to read about another generation who also found themselves tired. And I kept seeing reiterated over and over that they were not alone in their struggle. That there was a Divine way already laid out for their escape. I read things like this: "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak...". "I have chosen you and have not rejected you, so do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand!". "a bruised reed he will not break and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.". "I will lead the blind into ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do. I will not forsake them.". "I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.".
And often, I read about this very generation and their choices that had led them far from God and over and over He says to them... Forget the former things! "I, even I am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more!!!" "I am bringing MY righteousness near, it is not far away!". What I read today was from the Old Testament also known as the Old Covenant where the law was established as the standard by which righteousness was obtained. And even in the middle of that establishment, all throughout... Woven in between each letter, each script, each chapter was the promise of His righteousness stepping in to mend the gap that would try to bring separation between God and mankind - promise and judgement. All along, He is crying out "I know you are missing the mark of my best, but I am right here!!! Look at me, I'm reaching out my arm to you... I've done the work! You don't have to stay in this struggle! Your redemption doesn't need to depend on you!!! I have a better plan and I've completed it for you!".
As I sit and think about all of this, I can't help but wonder... In my daily routine, in my schedule, my "right way" of doing things, in my attempt to settle in on the "narrow" path, how often has my pursuit of righteousness become another route to sin? Please don't freak over that term... Sin is just another way of describing the ways we "miss the mark" (that is the literal meaning) of His best plan! Of His grace! His goodness! His blessing! His resting place! His peace! It's what Martin Luther was trying to convey in the old hymn: "Did we in our own strength confide... Our striving would be losing!".
In the Summer days of my life, when the heat has left me feeling blistered and drained of all my strength, I want to allow myself the permission to give up my own fight and step into the refreshing waves of His grace and let His ocean of strength, His unending unwavering love wash over me. I want to rest in His provision and trust Him, following His every whisper until He has led me safely and gently to the crisp Autumn breeze where I can breathe again. It's not about how well I can do it. How nicely I can get it together. It's about what He's already done. Proverbs 3:5&6 says: "Trust in the Lord with ALL of your heart, lean not one your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He WILL make your paths straight.".
So, if you're like me and the Summer season has left you feeling tired, worn out, whipped, done... Find the place He's already prepared for you and immerse yourself in the refreshing waves of His presence. I once heard someone say that when you have an experience with God and you have a tangible interchange with His Spirit, that is not a place you have to strive for again. That is simply a starting point for your next encounter. He takes us from one realm of glory to the next and He always has more to give you! So, let me encourage you, today. Find a moment in the doing where you can encounter Him again, the way you did the and let Him lead you to new streams of refreshing... There is so much more waiting for us than we could ever imagine. Take a dip and cool off a little...Autumn's coming!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Summer Lovin'... where have I been???
Oh, my Goodness! Has it really been 2 months since we've visited??? My deepest apologies for such neglect...
You've now officially experienced what too many of my dearest friends and family experience too regularly... I am kind of crappy at communication, unless of course you enjoy seeing a recipe quickly shared on my facebook wall. Is it just me or is this a ubiquitous problem? I mean when I wipe the thick guilt off of my blurred lenses, I tend to find, I'm not the only one not communicating, I don't hear from them either... Well, aside from my Dad - he's the very BEST "keep in touch" person I know on the planet! While I haven't sent him a Birthday card or Fathers Day card in, oh, good grief - what an embarrassing admission... and let's not even begin to talk about His Christmas present from THREE years ago that is STILL sitting in my dining room - it's pathetic people, I'm not kidding! Anyhow, somehow he still loves me. And I pray my friends know how often my thoughts point in their direction, but, my guess is... I probably need to get my crap together and tell them myself! Maybe we all do... except for my Dad.
Confessions aside... How has the Summer Solstice greeted all of you? Are your feet pleasantly buried in the comforting warmth of wet sand? Did you take a dozen snap shots of the Super Moon? How many fire flies have managed to join your collection?
At Casa Morrison, we've been painting, building barn doors, doing lots of yard work... Wait - that's what Chris and Asher have been doing. Mama has, well... did I mention we got a hammock? And when I haven't been breaking that in, I have planted some lovely perennials and filled my window baskets and tossed a rose bush or two in the ground along with staring at my pitifully weed infested vegetable garden... Oh, me. I pull and pull and next morning, it's like I never pulled anything - it's totally crazy! However, in my defense I've never experienced more rain in just two short months as we have had here, ever! EVER! And this week calls for thunder storms for the next 7 days... Talk about crazy climate! Haha! It's still 90's though, so, June hasn't turned into Fall yet!
Speaking of weeds and rain... I'm thinking of the paradox that so often occurs in seasons of blessing. There's so much joy in reaping, in receiving the amazing "things" that God wants us to have. And the thing is, sometimes we miss the joy of the blessing, because we're distracted by the adjoining weeds. Weeds for me often come in the form of dishes that need cleaning, floors that require scrubbing, bathrooms needing to be bleached or maybe, more accurately, put through a NASA style de-radiation type cleansing. Often my weeds look like laundry mounds that never seem to diminish no matter how much time is spent washing, drying, folding and putting away... and yet all of these things are evidence of the profound BLESSING in my life! How many would give anything to have food to dirty the dishes that I need to put in my stainless steel dishwasher, much less the dishes or the dishwasher. Seriously? I am daily loaded with benefits... loaded with friends that need letters and packages... loaded with family that need to see me and hear me say "I love you." So, while I'm not always so great at pulling weeds... I am taking steps and sometimes, as my husband says, the biggest thing you can do is just SHOW UP! So, here I am... and no, you're not a Weed! You're a delight and I plan on showing up a bit more often than every 2 months! :)
I hope you'll show up too, because in just a little while I will have some VERY BIG NEWS to share with you all!!!!!
Love and kisses! G
You've now officially experienced what too many of my dearest friends and family experience too regularly... I am kind of crappy at communication, unless of course you enjoy seeing a recipe quickly shared on my facebook wall. Is it just me or is this a ubiquitous problem? I mean when I wipe the thick guilt off of my blurred lenses, I tend to find, I'm not the only one not communicating, I don't hear from them either... Well, aside from my Dad - he's the very BEST "keep in touch" person I know on the planet! While I haven't sent him a Birthday card or Fathers Day card in, oh, good grief - what an embarrassing admission... and let's not even begin to talk about His Christmas present from THREE years ago that is STILL sitting in my dining room - it's pathetic people, I'm not kidding! Anyhow, somehow he still loves me. And I pray my friends know how often my thoughts point in their direction, but, my guess is... I probably need to get my crap together and tell them myself! Maybe we all do... except for my Dad.
Confessions aside... How has the Summer Solstice greeted all of you? Are your feet pleasantly buried in the comforting warmth of wet sand? Did you take a dozen snap shots of the Super Moon? How many fire flies have managed to join your collection?
At Casa Morrison, we've been painting, building barn doors, doing lots of yard work... Wait - that's what Chris and Asher have been doing. Mama has, well... did I mention we got a hammock? And when I haven't been breaking that in, I have planted some lovely perennials and filled my window baskets and tossed a rose bush or two in the ground along with staring at my pitifully weed infested vegetable garden... Oh, me. I pull and pull and next morning, it's like I never pulled anything - it's totally crazy! However, in my defense I've never experienced more rain in just two short months as we have had here, ever! EVER! And this week calls for thunder storms for the next 7 days... Talk about crazy climate! Haha! It's still 90's though, so, June hasn't turned into Fall yet!
Speaking of weeds and rain... I'm thinking of the paradox that so often occurs in seasons of blessing. There's so much joy in reaping, in receiving the amazing "things" that God wants us to have. And the thing is, sometimes we miss the joy of the blessing, because we're distracted by the adjoining weeds. Weeds for me often come in the form of dishes that need cleaning, floors that require scrubbing, bathrooms needing to be bleached or maybe, more accurately, put through a NASA style de-radiation type cleansing. Often my weeds look like laundry mounds that never seem to diminish no matter how much time is spent washing, drying, folding and putting away... and yet all of these things are evidence of the profound BLESSING in my life! How many would give anything to have food to dirty the dishes that I need to put in my stainless steel dishwasher, much less the dishes or the dishwasher. Seriously? I am daily loaded with benefits... loaded with friends that need letters and packages... loaded with family that need to see me and hear me say "I love you." So, while I'm not always so great at pulling weeds... I am taking steps and sometimes, as my husband says, the biggest thing you can do is just SHOW UP! So, here I am... and no, you're not a Weed! You're a delight and I plan on showing up a bit more often than every 2 months! :)
I hope you'll show up too, because in just a little while I will have some VERY BIG NEWS to share with you all!!!!!
Love and kisses! G
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation." Psalm 68:19
"Who satisfies your life with good things, so your youth is renewed like an eagle's." Psalm 103:5
Friday, April 12, 2013
Consider Your Options!
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Options! |
Monday, March 18, 2013
Doth HOPE Audaciously Spring???
Well, this is a first! I've never posted twice in one day... However, I thought I'd offer a quick update and a few thank you's as well!
Here's to thanks first - go on, raise a glass! No, seriously, I'll wait...
Here's to thanks first - go on, raise a glass! No, seriously, I'll wait...
Exposing my SIN! I know I risk losing ALL of you...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
An iPotty?
Have you heard about the new breakthrough in potty training technology??? It's true, the iPotty comes out March 1st, 2013, all ready for your Spring potty training endeavors - Look it up! It's being praised as the perfect tool to ensure your toddler remains perfectly attached to their technological obsessions... yes, even while on the potty! Clearly Asher is already miles ahead of this marketing curve.
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