You've now officially experienced what too many of my dearest friends and family experience too regularly... I am kind of crappy at communication, unless of course you enjoy seeing a recipe quickly shared on my facebook wall. Is it just me or is this a ubiquitous problem? I mean when I wipe the thick guilt off of my blurred lenses, I tend to find, I'm not the only one not communicating, I don't hear from them either... Well, aside from my Dad - he's the very BEST "keep in touch" person I know on the planet! While I haven't sent him a Birthday card or Fathers Day card in, oh, good grief - what an embarrassing admission... and let's not even begin to talk about His Christmas present from THREE years ago that is STILL sitting in my dining room - it's pathetic people, I'm not kidding! Anyhow, somehow he still loves me. And I pray my friends know how often my thoughts point in their direction, but, my guess is... I probably need to get my crap together and tell them myself! Maybe we all do... except for my Dad.
Confessions aside... How has the Summer Solstice greeted all of you? Are your feet pleasantly buried in the comforting warmth of wet sand? Did you take a dozen snap shots of the Super Moon? How many fire flies have managed to join your collection?
At Casa Morrison, we've been painting, building barn doors, doing lots of yard work... Wait - that's what Chris and Asher have been doing. Mama has, well... did I mention we got a hammock? And when I haven't been breaking that in, I have planted some lovely perennials and filled my window baskets and tossed a rose bush or two in the ground along with staring at my pitifully weed infested vegetable garden... Oh, me. I pull and pull and next morning, it's like I never pulled anything - it's totally crazy! However, in my defense I've never experienced more rain in just two short months as we have had here, ever! EVER! And this week calls for thunder storms for the next 7 days... Talk about crazy climate! Haha! It's still 90's though, so, June hasn't turned into Fall yet!
Speaking of weeds and rain... I'm thinking of the paradox that so often occurs in seasons of blessing. There's so much joy in reaping, in receiving the amazing "things" that God wants us to have. And the thing is, sometimes we miss the joy of the blessing, because we're distracted by the adjoining weeds. Weeds for me often come in the form of dishes that need cleaning, floors that require scrubbing, bathrooms needing to be bleached or maybe, more accurately, put through a NASA style de-radiation type cleansing. Often my weeds look like laundry mounds that never seem to diminish no matter how much time is spent washing, drying, folding and putting away... and yet all of these things are evidence of the profound BLESSING in my life! How many would give anything to have food to dirty the dishes that I need to put in my stainless steel dishwasher, much less the dishes or the dishwasher. Seriously? I am daily loaded with benefits... loaded with friends that need letters and packages... loaded with family that need to see me and hear me say "I love you." So, while I'm not always so great at pulling weeds... I am taking steps and sometimes, as my husband says, the biggest thing you can do is just SHOW UP! So, here I am... and no, you're not a Weed! You're a delight and I plan on showing up a bit more often than every 2 months! :)
I hope you'll show up too, because in just a little while I will have some VERY BIG NEWS to share with you all!!!!!
Love and kisses! G
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation." Psalm 68:19
"Who satisfies your life with good things, so your youth is renewed like an eagle's." Psalm 103:5
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