Have you heard about the new breakthrough in potty training technology??? It's true, the iPotty comes out March 1st, 2013, all ready for your Spring potty training endeavors - Look it up! It's being praised as the perfect tool to ensure your toddler remains perfectly attached to their technological obsessions... yes, even while on the potty! Clearly Asher is already miles ahead of this marketing curve.
You'll likely find the advertisement for this parenting enigma attached to an article telling you 10 ways to make your kid smarter. Can I be candid? That makes me giggle a little... no, let me be really frank - that irks me! Do you know what I think those kinds of articles do for parenting? I think they make parents insecure. I think they make Mom's and Dad's question their ability, nay - aptitude in rearing, training, nurturing, guarding and guiding their little ones. I don't like it - but, that's just me and though I seek and accept wisdom in rearing, I also trust the gift of God IN me to Mother my children well.
And I trust His faithfulness to clean up behind me even when I make mistakes, which I do. Don't we all? My little is only 3 years old, and I've already lost count of the number of times I've had to go back to him and say: "Mommy's sorry, Asher! I was wrong." And it never gets old when he wraps his arms around me, kisses me square on the face and says: "It's ok, Mama!" So, this is what Jesus meant when He said, if you wanna get the Kingdom, you've got to come like these little ones... Hmm. I've got some work to do!
We're learning together! I love what The Message Bible says: Proverbs 22:6 "Point your kids in the right direction - when they're old, they won't be lost." Don't you love that? It's not my job to make all his decisions. It's not my job to take over... It's my job to guard and point. And more often than not, I end up refocussing my own gaze in the process. It's remarkable how the mirror of children can show us what we're really made of! Ahhh, look to Jesus, little one. Look at Jesus...
We don't have to be perfect, just pliable.
That little tangent was FREE, so if you're a Mom or Dad and needed a boost of encouragement... You're Welcome!
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